Mind-body medicine includes treatments that focus on how our mental and emotional status interacts and affects the body’s ability to function. Examples include meditation and various therapies expressed through art and music
This category refers to complete systems of medical theory and practice, many of which go back thousands of years and have roots in non-Western cultures. Examples include traditional Chinese medicine. Whole medical systems from the West include homeopathy and naturopathy
Relying on the physical manipulation of the body, this practice is intended to improve specific symptoms and overall health. Examples of these practices include chiropractic and osteopathy
This form of alternative medicine uses energy fields to promote healing. Biofield therapies affect energy fields that are said to encircle the human body, including Reiki, qigong (pronounced chee gung, and basically meaning “life energy cultivation”), and therapies that involve electromagnetic fields
*A* focus on herbs, nutrition, vitamins, dietary supplements, and herbal medicine is perhaps the most common form of complementary and alternative medicine. Emphasizing raw foods is one of these approaches